M2tw stainless steel units
M2tw stainless steel units

Together we can improve much this awesome and amazing submod.

m2tw stainless steel units

I hope your views,opinions,tips on this issue for all players sship and their members and creators. ) I think they should differentiate more about other European factions, as they had their own crusade against the Moors.also they should be included again the knights of Santiago and Calatrava, and put a new model for importants spanish units as almogávares, alforrats, Iberian infantry,tercios, knigths. in my case, for example, I would like the roster of the Spanish factions were improved, I see them too simple and without any unit that it attrack attention, in addition, the models units are very similar to each other (jinetes, caballeros hidalgos, caballeros villanos.

m2tw stainless steel units

For advance work and help the sship team in the next release I would like that we discussed about that roster features you would improve or you would change, what units you think lack in the game and talk about the stats of units,the famous EDU.

M2tw stainless steel units